Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Before the Transformation

For starters, I have never done a blog before...I could barely keep up on a journal when I was younger so bear with me if I fall off the blogging bandwagon for days, maybe weeks, at a time. You can thank my sister, Emily, for getting me to do this. This is my first big move...moving to another state away from my family and my friends so she suggested this as a good way to keep "in touch" with those people. She also wanted to see the transformation of the apartment Derek and I now share, which is what the topic of this blog truly is. So, this is for you Emily...
If design didn't run through my veins I may have been able to live with the atrocious color choices of the previous tenant, but I cannot. These pictures don't do the colors justice. You will have to trust me that they are much more painful to the eye in person. Therefore, we paint. The adventure will start on Friday and continue through the weekend as we attempt to tackle both bedrooms and bathrooms. Wish us luck and pray that we are both still alive by the end of the weekend ;)
After pictures will come as we progress...stay tuned :) 

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