Tuesday, January 29, 2013

And It Was An Adventure....

The painting adventure was an interesting one to say the least. Knowing us and our relationship crazy and unforeseen things are always bound to happen and sure enough, they did. The first weekend was by far the most eventful starting with the discovery of the worst patch job either of us had ever seen. (below) For starters we have no idea why or how that hole got there and definitely not why they thought using painters tape to patch the hole was a good idea. But we have learned with this place, anything is possible. We also spent the whole weekend with only one usable toilet. 2 days and 3 plungers later we finally returned back to having both toilets functional. (We won't talk about how frustrated Derek got trying to plunge this thing for 2 days, but it was rather enjoyable to experience) :) And then there was the fiasco of trying to buys drinks not 1 but 3 places and being unsuccessful at all of them...apparently temporary Iowa ID's aren't valid according to Chicago but I digress. The frustration was certainly elevated after not showering, spending all day painting,  and being sleep deprived. All we wanted was a little relaxation! I should really be having Derek do these blogs because he is so much better at telling stories and relaying information than I am, but I try. Lol. 
Overall, it wasn't a bad experience. I think we scraped by with only one fight which is great for us! Doing all of this has really made it feel like "our" place and "our" home. All of the color choices turned out better than even I expected and I think we will enjoy them for the duration of our stay in this apartment. :)

P.S. I had to include some snapshots of Mani during the process. He is the cutest thing I have ever seen and I swear he gets cuter every day. :)

 This picture does not do the color in the living room justice...it is the same as the dining room color and that picture looks more closer to the actual color. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Before the Transformation

For starters, I have never done a blog before...I could barely keep up on a journal when I was younger so bear with me if I fall off the blogging bandwagon for days, maybe weeks, at a time. You can thank my sister, Emily, for getting me to do this. This is my first big move...moving to another state away from my family and my friends so she suggested this as a good way to keep "in touch" with those people. She also wanted to see the transformation of the apartment Derek and I now share, which is what the topic of this blog truly is. So, this is for you Emily...
If design didn't run through my veins I may have been able to live with the atrocious color choices of the previous tenant, but I cannot. These pictures don't do the colors justice. You will have to trust me that they are much more painful to the eye in person. Therefore, we paint. The adventure will start on Friday and continue through the weekend as we attempt to tackle both bedrooms and bathrooms. Wish us luck and pray that we are both still alive by the end of the weekend ;)
After pictures will come as we progress...stay tuned :)